Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 12/31/21

Year: 2021

Our journal aims to give place to the original studies in the field of social sciences and humanities, especially in the field of religious studies by giving importance that religious developments should be handled in the context of the different disciplines of theology. The Artuklu Academy aiming to contribute to the conduct of the academic writing activity under the ethical rules has a publication policy taking into consideration the religious, philosophical, historical and socio-cultural context. In this context, it takes precedence of the publication of original works, which are dealt with from an analytical point of view. 

In our journal, interdisciplinary studies are prioritized in order to establish a relationship between theology and the other social sciences and humanities. In this respect, Artuklu Academy, published twice a year, gives place to original compilation and translation articles as well as research notes, book presentation / critique, thesis analysis and evaluation papers on scientific meetings.

Editorial Principles


1.      Artuklu Academy Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year in June and December by Mardin Artuklu University Faculty of Islamic Sciences.

2.      In Artuklu Academy Journal there are academic studies written in the social sciences especially in the field of theology.

3.    In Artuklu Academy Journal, studies such as research notes, translation, simplification, book review and critique are published as well as copyrighted or translated articles. Translating and simplification of texts should be presented with originals.

4.      The studies to be sent to Artuklu Academy Journal should not be published in any other scientific journal or should not be in the evaluation stage.

5.      Artuklu Academy Journal includes Turkish, English and Arabic publications.

6.     Two copies are sent to the authors from the Artuklu Academy Journal. The authors do not receive any royalties for their studies published in Artuklu Academy Journal.

7.      Scientific and legal responsibility of the studies belong to the authors.

8.      Applications are made through the following link:  http://dergipark.gov.tr/artukluakademi

Author Guidelines

1.      The studies sent to Artuklu Akademi Journal should be written in Word format with Times New Roman font in 12 points and 1.5 line spaced apart. The headings should be written in bold and the footnotes should be written in 10 points.

2.      Page layout; Should be in A4 size, the margins should be set to 2.5 cm from the left, right, top and bottom.

3.      The articles that are sent to the Journal should be at least 5,000 maximum 8,000 words. Research notes should not exceed 2,500 words and other studies should not exceed 1,500 words.

4.      Articles should include title, abstract and keywords in Turkish and English. Abstract should be between 100-150 words and 5 key words should be included in each. Abstract should be written in 10 points.

5.      Artuklu Academy Journal adopts Blind Referee Application in article evaluations. For this reason, there should not be any information in the footnotes to reveal the author's name or the identity of the author.

6.      Footnote numbers in the text should be used after punctuation.

7.      In the quotations given in the text, the rules of footnote writing are valid and the quotations should be rindent by 1.5 cm from the edges apart from the original text.

8.    The drawings, graphics, pictures and similar materials used in the manuscript should be in JPEG or GIF format. Visual materials and attachments should be sent to artukluakademi@gmail.com when necessary.

9.      The Chicago footnote system should be used in the footnotes and bibliography in the articles.

10.    The references to the sacred texts should be given in the footnote, in the order of the name, surah number and verse number. (Example: al-Baqarah, 2/10)

11.     In Arabic works, the initials of the first word and the special names should be capitalized, and the others should be in lowercase. The initials of each word of the names of works written in other foreign languages and Ottoman Turkish should capitalized.

12.    Translator, (trans.); Arbitration (Arbit.); simplification (simp.); editor (ed.); hijri (h.) they should be shown. 

13.    In manuscript the author's name, study name (italics), library, number (no), leaf number (example: ln. 10b), Hadith studies, if any, the hadith number should be specified.


Examples of Footnotes and Bibliography


First Footnote:

Şerif Mardin, Jön Türklerin Siyasî Fikirleri, 18. bs. (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2012), 35-54.

Second footnote:

       Mardin, Jön Türklerin Siyasî Fikirleri, 38.




       Mardin, Şerif. Jön Türklerin Siyasî Fikirleri. 18. bs., İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2012.

Two and three writers:

First footnote:

İbrahim Sarıçam, Seyfettin Erşahin, Mehmet Özdemir, İngiliz ve Alman Oryantalistlerin Hz. Muhammed Tasavvuru, (İstanbul: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2011), 45.

Second footnote:

         Sarıçam, Erşahin ve Özdemir, Hz. Muhammed Tasavvuru, 38.


Sarıçam, İbrahim ve Erşahin, Seyfettin ve Özdemir, Mehmet. İngiliz ve Alman Oryantalistlerin Hz. Muhammed Tasavvuru. İstanbul: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2011.



First Footnote:

Hüsamettin Arslan, ed., Hermeneutik ve Hümaniter Disiplinler, (İstanbul: Paradigma, 2005), 61.

Second footnote:

Arslan, ed., Hermeneutik ve Hümaniter Disiplinler, 65.


Arslan Hüsamettin, ed. Hermeneutik ve Hümaniter Disiplinler. İstanbul: Paradigma, 2005.


First Footnote:

Albert Hourani, Arap Halkları Tarihi, çev. Yavuz Alogan (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2013), 113.

Second footnote:

Hourani, Arap Halkları Tarihi, 113.


Hourani, Albert. Arap Halkları Tarihi. çev. Yavuz Alogan. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2013.


Article in the journal

First Footnote:

İsmail Kara, “Ebülûla Mardin’in Ulema Hal Tercümelerine Dair Çalışmaları”, Divan, 16/31 (2011): 165.

Second footnote:

Kara, “Ebülûla Mardin’in Ulema Hal Tercümelerine Dair Çalışmaları”, 170.


Kara, İsmail. “Ebülûla Mardin’in Ulema Hal Tercümelerine Dair Çalışmaları”. Divan, 16/31 (2011): 157-174.

Article in the editing book

First Footnote:

İbrahim Kalın, “Bir Klasik, Nasıl Klasik Olur? Klasiklerin Anlam ve İşlevi”, Medeniyet ve Klasik, ed. Alim Arlı, Halit Özkan, Nurullah Ardıç, (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2007) 50.

Second footnote:

Kalın, “Bir Klasik, Nasıl Klasik Olur? Klasiklerin Anlam ve İşlevi”, 48.


Kalın, İbrahim. “Bir Klasik, Nasıl Klasik Olur? Klasiklerin Anlam ve İşlevi”. Medeniyet ve Klasik, ed. Alim Arlı, Halit Özkan, Nurullah Ardıç, 47-56. İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2007.

Translation article

First Footnote:

Muhammed Âbid el-Câbirî, “Niçin İbn Haldun?”, çev. Harun Yılmaz, Divan, II/21 (2006), 11.

Second footnote:

el-Câbirî, “Niçin İbn Haldun?”, 12.


el-Câbirî, Muhammed Âbid. “Niçin İbn Haldun?”. çev. Harun Yılmaz, Divan, II/21 (2006): 9-16.

Symposium, Conference, Panel

First Footnote:

Ali Bakkal, “İslam’ın Doğuşundan Artuklular Döneminin Sonuna Kadar Mezopotamya’da Tıp Eğitimi ve Hastaneler”, I. Uluslararası Artuklu Sempozyumu Bildirileri: Artuklular, 25-26-27 Ekim 2007 Mardin, 2008, ed. İbrahim Özcoşar, Mardin Valiliği, (Mardin: 2008), I, 429.

Second footnote:

Bakkal, “İslam’ın Doğuşundan Artuklular Döneminin Sonuna Kadar Mezopotamya’da Tıp Eğitimi ve Hastaneler”, 444.


Bakkal, Ali. “İslam’ın Doğuşundan Artuklular Döneminin Sonuna Kadar Mezopotamya’da Tıp Eğitimi ve Hastaneler”. I. Uluslararası Artuklu Sempozyumu Bildirileri: Artuklular, 25-26-27 Ekim 2007 Mardin, 2008, ed. İbrahim Özcoşar, Mardin Valiliği,  (Mardin: 2008), I, 425-454.

Encyclopedia article

First Footnote:

Mustafa Fayda, “Bedevî”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (DİA), (İstanbul, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı, 2000), V, 312.

Second footnote:

Fayda, “Bedevî”, 313.


Fayda, Mustafa. “Bedevî”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (DİA), İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı, 2000, V, 311-317.


First Footnote:

Âdem Çalışkan, “Cumhuriyet Devri İslami Türk Edebiyatı (1960-2000)”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Samsun 2002), 101.

Second footnote:

Çalışkan, “Cumhuriyet Devri İslami Türk Edebiyatı (1960-2000)”, 55.


Çalışkan, Âdem. “Cumhuriyet Devri İslami Türk Edebiyatı (1960-2000)”. Doktora Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Samsun 2002.

Internet Resources

First Footnote:

Coşkun Alptekin, “Artuklular”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (DİA), https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/artuklular (Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2017).

Second footnote:

Alptekin, “Artuklular”, https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/artuklular.


Alptekin, Coşkun. “Artuklular”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (DİA), https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/artuklular (Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2017).


Criteria for Evaluation of the Proposed Studies:


1.      The rules of writing in Artuklu Academy Journal should be considered to the maximum extent. For non-compliant articles, the correction is requested from the author at the preliminary evaluation stage.

2.      Care should be taken to prepare the study in accordance with research and publication ethics.

3.      The proposed study must be of a unique nature, which has the scientific quality, can make a terminological or methodological contribution to the relevant field.

4.      Attention should be paid to the proper and proper use of the terminology related to the field in accordance with the general acceptance and academic language and style should be considered.

5.      The topic discussed in the articles should be based on basic sources and the literature on the field should be reviewed.

6.      The article should contain arguments to support the problematic. At the same time, the contribution of this research topic to the field should be expressed clearly.


Publication Process:


1.      The manuscripts submitted for publication are taken into consideration formally by the journal secretariat in terms of conformity to scientific ethics, journal writing and publication principles. Then, editors are evaluated by the journal editors in terms of subject, content and writing rules.

2.      Studies other than articles are published as a result of form and content evaluation by the journal secretariat and editors. If any revisions have been made to these matters, the relevant work will be returned to the author for making the corrections.

3.      In the articles, it is decided whether the study will be sent to the referees as a result of the editorial preliminary evaluation.

4.     As a result of the preliminary evaluation, the articles which are approved to be refereed are sent to two referees according to the Blind Refereeing process. If a positive report is obtained from the two arbitrators, the article will be published.

5.      The author has to take into account the criticisms, suggestions and corrections of the referees and editors. The author's sensitivity in this matter is evaluated by the editorial board during the publication process.

6.       If one of the referees reports a negative report, the manuscript is sent to a third referee. In accordance with the decision of the third referee, the editorial board decides whether or not to publish the manuscript.

7.     If at least two of the referees agree that they can be published after necessary corrections, the author is required to make the necessary corrections. After the requested changes are made, the article is re-evaluated by the editorial board.

8.      After the publication of the journal, dergipark pages will be opened as pdf.

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